Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September - a nice month to start off relaxing a little bit, eventhough Aidilfitri is just around the corner, just another week before Sep 10 this year, also need to study for my two other modules for test next week, coincidentally before the Eid. Nice indeed.

So, on Sep 1, a hurdle just passed when I sat for my Bioprocess Applications module semestral exam. Phew, what a nice subject and the only setback that I had was on theory, seems that I'm not really good at it, however, a breeze through for the calculations as most of it, more than three-quarters of the calculation questions, I can do it very well indeed.

Some of my friends had mentioned that during this fasting month of Ramadhan, the night becomes the day and vice - versa. Don't know to me whether it's true, but it was. I'm still blogging at 0404h (Singapore time) whereas I should you know, sleep.

Anyway, amidst of the exams, I still need to refurbish a little bit on my home, changing the designs here and there, and as usual, if before Chinese New Year, they had 'spring cleaning' , before the Eid, we have 'summer cleaning'. Coincidentally, it's summer in Europe and northern hemisphere, whereas for southern hemisphere, it's gonna to be spring soon.

Hope to blog again, as soon as possible. For now, I leave you with this video.

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