Friday, November 29, 2013

The Amazing Race Season 23 Episode 9 - Part Like The Red Sea

In this episode, teams are flying to Bandung, Indonesia. Apparently, Nicole & Travis, who just won a Ford car each, were not having up to the standard. Why? And who will be eliminated? Tune in to find out.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Amazing Race Season 23 Episode 08, One Hot Camel

Wow! The latest season of The Amazing Race has reached to its eighth episode. Going to finish soon by then. Nicky & Kim was NOT eliminated. Are they be able to catch up with the rest? And who is going to be eliminated? Stay tune to find out.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Upin & Ipin (musim ke-7, 2013) - Pim Pim Poom semua bahagian

Ini adalah hasil daripada video saya sendiri, tentang siri animasi kanak-kanak yang amat popular di Malaysia, Upin & Ipin, kembali di musim yang ketujuh, dengan kisahnya diberi sebagai 'Pim pim pom'. Upin & Ipin menjadi ahli silap mata (magicianlah kata orang putih) dan bagaimanakah kerjaya ini akan memberikan harapan ataupun sebaliknya meninggalkan sesuatu yang amat berharga? Saksikanlah kisah ini untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut lagi. Dari sumber asal, TV9, disiarkan pada 16 November 2013, pukul 6.30 petang.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Amazing Race Season 23 Episode 7 - Speed Dating Is the Worst

For this episode of the latest season of The Amazing Race (Season 23, Episode 7), teams race from Vienna, Austria to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. They had to perform some detour and also the road block was the best of this season ever. Who will be eliminated/ is there any team that will/may be eliminated? Tune in to find out.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Amazing Race Season 23 Episode 06, Choir Boy at Heart
Link for the latest episode of The Amazing Race Season 23, episode 6. Seven teams remaining, who will be eliminated next? Tune in as the teams are heading from Gdansk, Poland to Vienna, Austria via train.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Amazing Race Season 23 Episode 05, Get Our Groove On