Monday, July 13, 2009

Post E-learning exercise conducted on Week 11 and Common Test

This is already week 13. Monday , 13 july 2009 as I am writing down my thoughts on how as in to start off my blog entry.

Monday , as usual , today , were always considered as 'blues' for most of us as need to get up early after a weekend and then start school at 0800h and et cetera , et cetera and et cetera.

Starting off a day with a test on my Materials Science , it was kind of easy but not really that difficult and challenging too , as there was only some sort of 'open' questions. Four questions in total , and it really gives me an alarm to keep focus. Following that , there is a lesson on Materials Science , but importantly it would have been topic six which is on Corrosion Materials. It was actually an oveview of different types of corrosion methods and identifying , but importantly how to deal with it as it would be important in our future life.

After the lesson , then we went on for our practical , also on Material Science. Thinking that we only had to send in a softcopy of the individual assignment , we thought of to see him first and look upon it. We did what we have thought to do it and eventually , we got an early release as the other class were suppose to have their so called 'make-up' lesson.

Eventually , we went for about three hours break and that is where I took my time knowing more about general issues by sitting down at the library.

Subsequently , we went for our next practical that was Inorganic and Physical Chemistry and we perform Practical no 7. It is to find out the enthalpy change of the Zinc and copper solution as the temperature rise up upon adding the Zinc powder. Then , need to measure by timing up from 0 mins to 9 mins and subsequently , plot a graph to show the enthalpy change available.

After that , then there's tutorial on Materials Science and we need to do some presentation. Imagine six people talikng for just a slide in 3 mins! For me , it was like that I do not agree about it. So , the first group adhere to the instructions given and they did well. Our group also did well , but only on the fact that there is some technical glitch that made me to be nervous.

Then , we all went home. So that's our day for today.

I'll give on another post for last week conditions as it was only consider as the Common test week.

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